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join the team!

Interested in joining a dynamic, international, and diverse research team? Please get in touch! Our aim is to provide a collaborative environment that fosters scientific independence and career-relevant skills in all team members.  


We are currently keen on hiring highly motivated Master's students as HiWis (student assistants). Get in touch if interested!


Interested in joining us as a postdoc? Get in touch to discuss the possibilities for making this possible via, e.g., a Marie-Curie or a Humbold fellowship! 

The Team


Dr. Arjen Alink

Principle Investigator



[Delete the DOTs]

Ivana Tanasic

PhD student


Hi! I'm Ivana and I have just joined the Knowledge-based Vision lab for my PhD. I completed a BSc in Neuroscience at King's College London, followed by the dual Master's in Brain and and Mind Sciences at UCL in London and  École Normale Supérieure in Paris. I'm particularly interested in research revolving around the visual perception and especially how top-down processes such as expectations and attention affect perception and subjective experience. I'm excited to get to study these topics further in my PhD, and I'm really looking forward to exploring what Hamburg has to offer in my free time!


Nahid Hasan

PhD student

Antoniya Boyanova

PhD student



postdoc or student assistant

I am currently recruiting new members for my lab!



postdoc or student assistant

I am currently recruiting new members for my lab!


Ivana Tanasic

Hi! I'm Ivana and I just joined the Knowledge-based Vision lab as a PhD student. I completed my BSc in Neuroscience at King's College London, followed by the Dual Master's in Brain and mind Science at UCL in London and Ecole Normale Superieure in Paris. I'm particularly interested in research revolving around visual perception and especially how top-down processes such as expectations and attention affect perception and subjective experience. I'm excited to get to study these topics further during my PhD, and I'm really looking forward to exploring all Hamburg has to offer in my free time!


Nahid Hasan

I am interested in the predictive processing framework and how it could help understand human consciousness from an algorithmic viewpoint. I have obtained a master's degree in Neuroscience from the University of Bonn and a bachelor's degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the North South University, Bangladesh. In my free time, I enjoy cooking and exploring foods from different cultures, as well as reading philosophy and poetry.

Antoniya Boyanova

Personal Profile:

I have completed a Bachelor's degree in Psychology at the University of Aberdeen and I did a masters in Cognitive Neuroscience at the Freie Universität Berlin. My research during my bachelors focused on investigating the neural correlates of spatial and feature-based attention and how the two were interacting in dynamic task settings. I also worked on psychophysical projects investigating the role of colour perception throughout the lifespan. During my masters work my main focus was on integrating behavioural, neural and computational modelling measures to elucidate the role of recurrence during object recognition. 


Beside science, I enjoy creative writing, reading philosophy and spending time in nature. 



I aim to contribute to the long lasting endeavour in visual neuroscience of understanding the computational mechanisms behind object recognition in the human brain. To do this I want to continue integrating data from human behaviour and neurophysiology with that obtained from computational models. Through this I want to better understand how semantic information and top-down modulation influence the process of object recognition and propose future direction for creating more brain-like visual models. 

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